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About John


One of seven children, and educated by Catholic schools in the city of Detroit, John knew early on that he would spend his career as a physical educator. John earned his bachelor's degree from Shepherd University (WV) in 1987. As well as studying physical education at Shepherd, John played baseball and took an offer following his senior year to play professionally in Italy. Although given the opportunity to continue on that path in Italy, he returned home to continue his education and earned master's degree from George Mason University in 1990, and his PhD from Florida State University in 1997.



After teaching at Roanoke College (VA) as an exercise physiologist for 8 years, John entered the seminary in 2005 at Theological College at the Catholic University of America to study for the priesthood for the diocese of Richmond. However, God's plan brought John back to teaching, and is he now married to Alecia and has five children - Clare, Luke, Abigail, Grace, and Jack.



Formerly educated in the field of fitness and exercise physiology, John has expanded his interests, and ultimately his speaking career, into the area of body image and morality in sports. While such topics have great value independently, a deeper meaning of them can be attained by associating each with God's intention for us. John is known in his classes and speaking engagements for his enthusiastic (and sometimes humorous) presentations that relate the concepts discussed in the Cathechism, the Bible and JPII's Theology of the Body to a variety of topics in the world of health, fitness, and sport.





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